1:00 p.m. March 31, 2021

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Today at a special summit regarding YouTube marketing and influence on social on marketing, which took place in the hall of Milan’s university “Politecnico di Milano”, Luca Martini, CEO of Lenos, talked about the importance of scaling up in business and the importance of putting economic resources in that direction as an investment. Mr Romani, a long-time professor of the University and business expert, backed up this claim and took the opportunity to remind the importance of investing money continuously in business, and not just as a start-up.

Regarding Lenos, Luca explained how at least 3k$ are allocated every month in the company with the sole purpose of scaling up the business in different ways, included but not limited to, hiring new employees, expanding the cloud resources or spend more in new marketing strategies.

Specifically, this week Lenos upgraded their YouTube accounts and proxy pool – a major player in YouTube marketing – by 2x – with a strong investment which the company is sure will benefit in the long term.

Luca Martini also told the audience how the expanded pool is of better quality of the previous one as well, so not just an improvement in terms of quantity, which, according to him and professor Romani, it is a mistake that many business owners do. Focusing on scaling quantity and not quality.

Specifically, Lenos increased its account and proxy pool partnering with Media DZ Group LCC and its datacenters from tier 1 countries including United States, Canada and Australia.

Lenos Press